Wool and Honey part II

Welcome back my favorite friends!
I have been knitting, purling, and slipping stitches like crazy! I have a self imposed deadline of completing my Wool and Honey sweater by August 15th!
Readers: Why the random date?
Me: Because I have a lot of fun things planned for y'all that I really need to start working on.
Readers: *scoff* You can have more than 1 WIP, ya know. I have like 13 right now...
Me: *horror face* On this scale (below), I'm like a 12. It brings me unnecessary stress to have more than one project going at a time. It makes me feel like I'm behind before I even start.
Readers: Girl....you need to let that shizz go and enjoy the chaos
Me: ...... :O *starts twitching*
hahaha! I actually had this conversation in my head with you readers. I sound like a crazy person...
I sent this photo to Cheryl a while back and she self described at a 3. I'm definitely off the right side of the chart. Maybe that's why we get a long so well; it's a good balance!
(post in the comments what your number is!)
The previous update of my Wool and Honey sweater was on August 24th. I was still working on the yoke. I have now separated the body and the sleeves and am speeding down the body. The pattern, as Rx-ed, is a cropped boxy style. Nothing wrong with that! Totally cute! But...if you know me, you know I can't leave a good thing as it is. I have decided to trim down the waist a little bit. I decreased the body by 4 stitches every 8 rounds for a few repeats then upped my decreases to every 4th round. I'm trying the sweater on randomly to see how the fit is before continuing with the decreases. At this point in the picture below, it is just about at the smallest part of my waist. I stopped the decreases and will knit straight for a while. I may or may not need to increase a little bit for my hips.
I've yet to decide what length of sleeves to knit. Do I want just below the elbow or right at the wrist? I just don't know! Hopefully decision will come as I start knitting the sleeves.
I will post of the details of exactly where and how I decreased when I have finished the sweater.
Of course one must plan her next sweater before the current is finished. Am I right?
I purchased the So Faded sweater also by Drea Renee Knits during her birthday sale a few weeks ago. Back in the spring, I grabbed these two OOAK skeins from Cheryl's shop. They are aptly named "OOAK 2" and "OOAK 3", respectively. I absolutely love them together.
I am adding Boot Weather (left below, sold out at the moment, sorry) and Eggplant (right below) to my fade.
As of right now this minute, my fade will be Boot Weather, OOAK 2, OOAK 3, Eggplant. In my mind, it is stunning. Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed!
Next item on the list of purlticulars is....
Hypnotic Yarn and Inked Sheep Fibers both have mystery yarn clubs and want to encourage you to not keep those projects a secret! Join us over in Ravelry Forums to chat and submit pictures of your mystery yarn club finished objects. The rules are simple. Post pics and chat about your WIP (s) using a mystery yarn skein from either dyer in the Chatter thread. Post a pic of your FO using a mystery yarn skein from either dyer in the FO thread. The dyers will take turns drawing a random quarterly winner from the FO thread. Right now, I am the only person to have a FO posted in the FO thread. As much as I like those winning odds; I would like a little competition. I can't feel like a winner if I'm the only person entering the foot race!
Last but not least...What's in the Yarnlight? I'd like to highlight Wondermint this week.
Wondermint is available on Treat Your Feet (80% superwash wool, 20% nylon). I think this colorway would make a beautiful sweater or shawl. Thicket and/or Eggplant would be lovely coordinates with it.
OMG! All three of those together is a bombshell!
Thanks for reading and happy crafting!