What's Knittin'? Wool and Honey Sweater part IV

I can't believe I thought I would actually get a sweater knitted within 1 month. haha! I am so far past my hopeful deadline. Oh well, the end is near!
To refresh your memory, part III of my Wool and Honey saga ended with me ripping out a sleeve I had done because my gauge using DPNs and trying magic loop was terribly different than the sweater body. I ordered a set of 9" circulars in sizes 0-5 (for good measure) to knit the sleeves. I hoped that using circs for the sleeves would prove to be my solution since I knitted the body with circs. I received them in the mail and got to work. Of course I didn't leave my life line on the live stitches because why would I do anything to make my life potentially easier. Ugh! I knitted the sleeve body and sleeve ribbing as prescribed in the instructions. Luckily, I did not cut my yarn before trying it on. The sleeve was way shorter than my personal preference and blocking would not get the length I desired. I am a knuckle dragger; of course I need to lengthen sleeves! ha!
Another frogging of the ribbed portion commenced. Per usual, no life line or marker placed between the garter and ribbing sections. The yarn gods were with me that night. I ripped back to the exact place needed without losing a single stitch!
I've added a whopping 100 rounds to the original garter section of the sleeve and I've started the ribbing section again. The second sleeve should be fast since it (knock on wood) won't be frogged twice! I do really think I should be done in two more weeks! I am very excited to finally be able to wear it! Though, I will be leaving in my new life lines until satisfied!
What's next you ask? I mentioned before that I will start the So Faded Sweater, also by Drea Renee Knits, once finished with Wool and Honey. I had yarn picked out, but my mind has changed a smidgen. I ordered a skein of Almond Milk for a different project. When it arrived in the mail, my sister in law was over and I was showing her all of my beautiful Hypnotic Yarn yarns when I put down Almond Milk next to the other yarns and VOILA! I'm in love with this cream to purple fade! Almond Milk (far left) and Eggplant (far right) are both still available in the shop. Unfortunately, Boot Weather (second in line) is sold out and OOAK3 (third in line) was a one of a kind last spring.
I also just ordered 4 skeins of Grandpa’s cardigan. A friend of mine is also a pattern designer and is working on her own sweater design as I type. I presumptuously assumed she’s let me test knit it. Ha! What are friends for, right?!
Fingers crossed I have a FO for you next time!
Thanks for reading and happy crafting!